Climate Action

A New Plan for Climate Action

As climate change continues to cause and intensify both local and global challenges, the University of Utah (the U) is choosing to act boldly and leverage its collective impact as an institution to pave the way for a better future. Building on the U’s first Climate Action Plan, released in 2010, this updated Climate Action Plan (CAP) highlights progress that has been made and articulates new ways university research and education can contribute to more positive climate outcomes. It outlines a path toward meeting the U’s accelerated 2040 target date for achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions and builds on the U’s recent Climate Resilience Assessment, identifying steps to prepare for impacts of climate change on U facilities and people.

Read The Plan

Goals & Targets


Generate climate-related research that supports those most impacted and drives solutions in Utah and beyond.

Faculty producing climate-related research

2022 Status

By 2030

By 2040


Graduate students with knowledge and skills to address climate-related challenges and opportunities.

STARS Curriculum & Engagement Points Earned

2022 Status

By 2030

By 2040


Take urgent action to reduce green house gas emissions.

Reduction in net greenhouse gas emissions

2022 Status

By 2030

By 2040


Increase university and community resilience to the current and future impacts of climate change.

U of U Resilience Assessment metrics improved

2022 Status

By 2030

By 2040

Climate News Around the U

2024 Edible Campus Gardens year-in-review
2024 Edible Campus Gardens year-in-review

From fresh produce to experiential learning, the Edible Campus Gardens had a thriving year in...

Groundbreaking held for new student housing project
Groundbreaking held for new student housing project

The new public-private partnership (P3) will continue President Taylor Randall’s efforts to transition the U...

An introduction to the Sustainability Office’s pop-up thrift shop
An introduction to the Sustainability Office’s pop-up thrift shop

What Goes Around Comes Around, also known by its lovably clunky acronym WGACA, pronounced “wuh-gah-kah,”...

The 2024 U Clear the Air Challenge was a huge success
The 2024 U Clear the Air Challenge was a huge success

Participants from all over the University of Utah came together in Fall 2024 to change...


Approximately 4,300 participants provided input during the CAP’s stakeholder engagement period, helping to ensure that this plan reflects the needs and collective expertise of the broad university community. The CAP differs from previous efforts in its inclusion of U of U Health: patients and health care providers were engaged to help the plan address climate-health impacts.

View Plan PDF